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22nd October 2024 

Registered BACP Counsellor


Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) I am required to inform you about the personal information that I collect, store and process/share on you.

Collection of personal information

I may collect the following data:

Name, Gender (or preferred identity), Sexuality, Date of birth

Address, Next of kin contact details, Telephone/SMS number (together with permission to leave voice messages or send SMS), Email address

Doctor’s details, Medical conditions, Prescribed medication, Previous experience of mental health treatment/diagnosis

Counselling history, Relationships and family (past and present), Presenting issues

Storage of personal information

Mobile phone/SMS:
I store your contact number on my phone but use only your initials to identify you. This allows me to make contact in urgent situations. My phone is password protected.

Electronic correspondence is held on my Gmail address. This would be for the purposes of setting up an initial meeting or confirming subsequent appointments. My Gmail account and PC are both password protected.

None of your personal information is stored on my website, other than to momentarily collect and sent it to my Gmail account for the purposes of initial contact.

I use paper records – Client Record Sheet containing contact information, Counsellor & Client Agreement, Privacy Notice & Agreement, Initial Assessment Form, Session Notes.

NB: The Initial Assessment Form and Session Notes are anonymised and kept separately from any contact information that would identify you. All paper records are stored securely.

How I process/share your personal information

In line with BACP requirements, I take my work to a supervisor to have another professional perspective. Your anonymity will be respected throughout this process.

Breaking Confidentiality:
If I believe that your safety or another person’s (or group of people’s) safety is at significant risk, I may contact the suitable authority without your permission. This includes your doctor, the emergency services and the mental health crisis team.

I am also required by law to pass on information relating to acts of terrorism and ongoing abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult. I will at all times attempt to gain your permission before breaking confidentiality in these instances. I do, however, retain the right to do so without your consent.

Therapeutic Will:
It is considered best practice to have a therapeutic will. In the event of hospitalisation or my death (or similar of a close relative), my Therapeutic Executor will make contact to inform you of the situation and to advise you of your options.

Erasing your personal information:
When we have finished working together, I will erase all electronic correspondence after one month. I retain your paper records securely for seven years after the last session. At this point all information held on paper will be shredded.

Your rights

You have the following rights with respect to your personal information:

• The right to be informed what personal information I hold (i.e. this document)

• The right to request a copy of the personal information I hold on you (free of charge and within one calendar month)

• The right to request that I rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal information

• To right to withdraw consent from me using/processing your personal information

• To right to request that some or all of your personal information be erased. I can, however, decline this request whilst the information is needed for me to practise lawfully and competently.